
04/07/2024 - A New Commandment

Join me for the next message in the series, Last Words: The Last Supper Discourses, "A New Commandment."

It is interesting to note that the bookends that form the framework for Jesus' introduction of this 'New" not previously known commandment is the prediction of Judas' betrayal and the forecast of Peter's denial. And yet in the midst of these obviously painful revelations, Jesus shows his love for both Judas and Peter. a love that was deep, as deep as that for any of the other ten gathered at that table for the Supper. However, unlike our conditional love His love was not tied to their loveliness or certainly their loyalty. His love and the love He expressed in this new, amazing command was a selfless, sacrificial love that considered others a priority.

To cap off his comments on this new command Jesus states further, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35) The distinguishing mark of a true believer, the sign that sets you apart from the world and distinguishes you as truly “HIS” is not the cross around your neck, the bumper sticker on your car, or the well-worn Bible under your arm. It has absolutely nothing to do with Church membership or the amount of money you give in tithes and offerings. The only true and distinguishing mark of a real Christian is that he or she has a genuine, authentic, sacrificial and heartfelt Christlike love for both the brothers and the others. Join me at 1:30 as we explore the further implications of this remarkable passage.


04/14/2024 - Continuing: Last Supper discourses of Jesus


03/31/2024 - I Am the Resurrection and the Life