10/06/2024 - Habakkuk, A Focus on the Future
Join me for the last message in the series from the Oracle of the Prophet Habakkuk, "A Focus on the Future" In response to the uncertain times in which we live, a normal and natural and very human response is fear and anxiety. Habakkuk admits that when he knew of God's plan to judge His people his normal physiological response was to "shake in his shoes". However, the prophet acknowledges that God has an end game for the invading armies and his focus must become a long vision to see that end from the beginning.
Further, the facts were not negotiable, in the short term it would appear that circumstances and consequences would require him not to deny the reality of the situation but instead to find a "resting place" for his faith. Finally, faith must negate the fear because they are mutually exclusive. He will choose to "jump for joy and shout in exultation" (Hebrew) in spite of the real consequences of God's judgment.
Warren Wiersbe said of this passage: "Never run away from the difficulties of life, because God wants to use those difficulties to strengthen your faith. Never doubt in the dark what God has told you in the light. The just shall live by his faith."