
08/20/2023 - Why are we sitting HERE?

Join me for my Sunday Message, the final in the Evangelism Series: "Why are we sitting HERE?" The story in 2 Kings 6 & 7 is intriguing in itself, but its implications for the modern church are even more pressing. Famine in the besieged and shut up city of Samaria was so horrible that cannibalism was one of the few options left to starving Israelites. The Arameans had the city surrounded and shut off from the rest of the world. No relief was in sight.

But the real story here is the plight of four leprous men who were sitting outside the city walls. They too were starving but they also came up with a plan to remedy their situation. They realized, as most of us should as well, if they kept doing what they were doing they were only going to get the same result. They asked each other "Why sit we here til we die?" A haunting question for the church especially in America. JOIN me for the REST of the story.


09/10/2023 - Unto the Least of These


08/06/2023 - Evangelism What's YOUR Excuse?