
06/18/2023 - Headship: A Biblical Pattern of Leadership and Service

Join me for my Sunday message, "Headship: A Biblical Pattern of Leadership and Service." The culture and New Testament Christianity are increasingly in conflict over the subject of leadership. Who is in charge and who is supposed to be in charge? The scripture in Ephesians 5:22-33 leaves No Doubt that God has placed men in a unique role as the head. In this message I explore the real meaning of the Jesus kind of leadership as expressed by Paul in his instruction to the Ephesian Church regarding the relationship of husbands and wives. Now before the men get excited about the opportunity to be the brains of the outfit they should be careful what they wish for.

In the account of creation in Genesis 2 there can be no doubt that God created the male human first and left him in charge of the tending of his created world. The woman was not an afterthought but was designed carefully and strategically to be a suitable helper for man. This in no way means that she was inferior to the man nor does it imply that she lacked any of the abilities and virtues that God planned for Humanity. However it is apparent that she was created to stand alongside and in every sense of the word complete God's design for Humanity. So when in Ephesians Paul speaks of headship and submission he is careful to point out that the man's responsibility is clearly to lead love and serve as the master Jesus has so said that example for us. The woman's responsibility is to bring herself under that servant leadership in order to complete God's design for Christian marriage. I have much more to say about all of this.


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