
01/07/2024 - What Can God Do With a Bunch of Leftovers?

Join me tomorrow for my Sunday message "What Can God Do With a Bunch of Leftovers?"

Every year the day after Thanksgiving the discussion arises as to what to do with all that leftover turkey. If you consult the internet, you will find websites like a Taste of Home who will demonstrate 50 recipes for leftover turkey.

If man can find extensive use for leftover turkey, just think with me about what He can do with a "remnant" of people, by definition, "a small surviving group". Again and again in scripture we find circumstances where the odds of success looked bleak at best and yet God took the remnant that remained and worked powerful and mighty works through them.

Such is the case with the remnant that returned to Jerusalem from captivity during the reign of Persian King Cyrus the Great. The Prophet Haggai was given a powerful message to communicate to the leaders and the people regarding the immediate need to reinstitute the worship of Yahweh, building first the altar of God and next the Temple of God.

It seems today that the number of Bible believing Christians is by many measures shrinking in America. With this shrinkage comes also the loss of God's influence in our culture and society. However, the good news is that there is a "remnant that remains" faithful to God and the Mission. As the old song says, "We'll work 'til Jesus comes."

The question must never be "What can God do with a remnant?" Rather the statement, "What God CAN do with a remnant!"


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