
02/11/2024 - Marks of the Master's Servant

Join me for my Sunday Message, "Marks of the Master's Servant." What we have come to know as the "Parable of the Talents" is an illustrative teaching of the Master Jesus regarding faithfulness and obedience. Perhaps one of the most often overlooked aspects of this teaching is the fact that in the economy of God's Kingdom at the final judgment of His servants, Jesus will commend faithfulness and obedience in proportion to the opportunities given to His servants.

It is not then the “quantity” or size of the servant’s production that matters but his faithfulness to do his Master’s bidding and his obedience to remain in place until the task is done. In our culture where growth in terms of the tangible and measurable results are all that is valued, it is difficult sometimes for servants of Christ who are given little, by comparison, to think of themselves valued as much as those given much. The size and scope of what is produced is in reality the Master's business. All He is looking for is a few "good and faithful" servants to use what He embodies into their lives and callings in order to build and develop His Kingdom.


02/18/2024 - A Future with a Hope


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