
08/11/2024 - Know Jesus, Know Peace, No Jesus, No Peace

Join me for the final message in the series LAST WORDS: The Last Supper Discourses in the Gospel of John, "Know Jesus, Know Peace, No Jesus, No Peace."

Jesus promised His Disciples many things while He was with them by curiously, the thing He seemed to promise most often was "trouble" (and that with a capital T). However, He also promised them repeatedly that though trouble would certainly come - after all if the religious, social, cultural and political systems of the world hated Him, they would hate His followers as well.

Which brings us to this final study and the great promise of Jesus in 16:33 which closes His teaching: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.””

This is not some "pie in the sky when we die" promise. It was given for the time in which we live and work to complete the mission Jesus left to us, that of preaching, teaching and proclaiming the Gospel to the whole world. And it is my contention that we will not be "rescued" until we have completed that mission. Yes, there is and will be opposition, but the Master has already been there and done that. IF we cling to Him in fellowship His victory is our victory.

If we are truly His Disciples and living "in" Him we have nothing to fear from the coming days (elections, rogue government, persecution by "religious" groups and idol worshipers). WE HAVE ALL WE NEED IN CHRIST and He is enough to give us the perfect peace that defies human reason! So stay in the fight my friends. The victory has already been won at Calvary and the Empty Tomb.


08/18/2024 - There's a Change a Comin!'


07/28/2024 - A Delegated Authority