
10/15/2023 - Digging New Wells in the Valley of Gerar

Join me for my Sunday message, "Digging New Wells in the Valley of Gerar." Two weeks ago, I opened this passage in Genesis 26 regarding Isaac's return to the ancient campsite of his father Abraham in the Valley of Gerar, in Philistine territory.

The first order of business was to unstop the old wells Abraham's servants had previously dug which were subsequently filled with dirt and debris by the Philistine herdsmen who were jealous of Isaac's success and prosperity as he competed with them for grazing territory.

However, Isaac was not content to merely rely upon the old wells but instead ordered his servants to begin work digging new wells to supply his growing flocks, herds and servants with a constant supply of life sustaining water. Isaac would not be content with a sufficient supply but desired an abundant, overflowing supply of "living water."

Of course, this new exploration did not go unchallenged by the opposition who were concerned about Isaac's expansion into precious grazing lands. The rest of this story and its implications for those of us who are today trying to find new sources of the Living Water of which Jesus spoke are quite amazing.


10/29/2023 - Where is the promise of His coming: A Plan and A Promise


10/01/2023 - Digging Wells in the Valley of Gerar