
11/26/2023 - God Has Provided the Lamb Intro

Join me for my Sunday Message, the first in a four-part series for the Season of Advent, "God has provided a Lamb." The plan of God to bring about the rescue of mankind from the Adversary began long ago, before time in the agelessness of eternity past. Revelation 13:8, “All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.”

Yes, God had been preparing for the final and complete sacrifice that would end the misery of humanity's lost state since before humanity or anything else existed. The sacrificial lamb to be offered would be His only Son, the Savior, Messiah, King, Jesus. But all throughout the scripture God was setting the scene for the final chapter to be written at Calvary.

Join me as we explore together the history and progress of the provision of the perfect Lamb, God's Lamb, as a sacrifice, a final once and for all time and all people sacrifice.


12/03/2023 - God Has Provided the Lamb - Part 2


11/19/2023 - The Spirit of Thanksgiving